Not that it matters! We will put an end to this! With you by our side! : Us, cooperate with those boneheaded barbarians? Preposterous! Though.I do not recall what exactly began our rivalry. Would cooperation not be preferable to combat? : Wherein lies your rivalry? You both live here in the Rupie Mountains. As soon as their wounds mend, they will return. : I only hope those bangaa meatheads have learned their lesson!. But since those are buffs, Frimelda can dispell them, and Magick Frenzy lets her attack him!
He's a Cannoneer and has a couple buffs: Barrage, which increases basic attacks from one hit to two, and Targeting, which lets him get a free attack on a target next turn. I somehow managed to avoid attacking Mocedad this entire time. The Illusionist, on the brink of death, is finally able to cast his first spell. The White Mage cast Cura once before dying. Note that our allies have done nothing this whole time. Mind you, we have a few spells that make a big difference, and we can still make great use of facings.Īnd it's not like physical attacks are useless!īut you'll see later how much faster this is if you come prepared.Īnyway, we've reached the tipping point where all the damage is adding up and the enemies are falling. So this battle takes much longer than necessary because I stacked my team with fighters instead of mages. When fighting a team of each race, like we are here, your best bet is to bring the opposite. Both are on the slower side, excepting a couple bangaa jobs.

I messed up slightly going into this battle.īangaa and nu mou are basically at the extremes: the former are very physically tanky and the latter have strong magick defenses. He's slow enough that he'll rarely get more than two turns.

On the other hand, the Bishop does nothing but cast Barrier. Madreth and the Illusionist are particularly useless, since their spells take at least 3 turns worth of MP. Meanwhile, our team is constrained by the MP system. Mocedad is probably the most threatening, since he has great damage over a huge range. Our bangaa enemies have quite the variety of units - compare their mix of ranged and physical attacks to our bevy of mages. I don't know why he repeats "accomplishments" like that.Īlright, the straightforward part: the battle itself. : Bwa ha ha! Perhaps your precious allies can help prop up that big head of yours! We don't need a list of your accomplishments.accomplishments-you can show us! : Yet this time, we have brought powerful allies to aid us! Don't you dare think this will go as it has in the past! We're here too! As impartial judges of snark and extremely partial combatants.
: What say we crack a few open and see if there's aught else in there but dreams and hot air? : The time has come to put an end to these years of struggle.with one final victory! I always put this quest off until the end because it's rank 50, so I have no idea if it's doable earlier.īeautiful alliteration, solid effort on the insults. I'm pretty sure the enemies scale up with us. Get used to this battlefield, because we will be seeing it a lot today. Madreth wants our help in delivering a decisive blow to the Brotherhood. Today we're diving straight into the Rivalry of the Rupies. Not only are the clans fighting, but they're bringing in outside help to tip the battle in their favor. Perhaps rumors of a growing desire to end the conflict once and for all are true, for both sides have been openly recruiting mercenaries in the pubs of late.

Open Rivalry posted: Word is that the Bangaa Brotherhood and Nu Mou Nobles are at it again up in the Rupie Mountains!