This means that Microsoft can only add new blobs and can never change old ones until they're permanently deleted. See the Azure Storage redundancy article for details. Within each region, Azure Locally Redundant Storage (LRS) provides a high level of reliability. This same technique is used in all workflows to prevent propagation of any corruption that should occur. After the contents are written into Azure Storage, checksums are stored separately with metadata, and are used to ensure that the committed write is identical to the original file sent to SharePoint during all future reads. If writes to either Azure region fail, the file save will fail. Every file is simultaneously written into both a primary and a secondary datacenter region. SharePoint has a custom-built solution for storage of customer data in Azure Storage. The complete set of controls to ensure data resiliency is explained in further sections. SharePoint has built a custom resiliency plan on top of Azure Storage to ensure near real-time duplication of user content and a truly active/active system. Blob storage: User content that is uploaded into SharePoint is stored in Azure Storage.Azure SQL offers a complete business continuity story that SharePoint uses and details are covered later in this article. Metadata: Metadata about each file is stored in Azure SQL Database.There are two primary assets that make up the core content storage of SharePoint: The contents of this article are relevant to Microsoft 365 and don't apply to consumer services. In this article, only SharePoint will be used to refer to both products.

Within Microsoft 365, OneDrive is built on top of the SharePoint file platform.